Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 4 GER 2011

Dunkled to Wyandra
There was a bit a carnage reported today, but no one got hurt

Terry and Vicky hit the tree causing damage to their bonnet and maybe the chasis
John Ledbetter hit a tree causing minor damage to a rear light and maybe some cosmetic damage to the rear of the car
Car 042 blew 2 tyres and rolled on its side, looks like a broken front passenger window and some panel damage but the boys are back on the road again with a sheet of plastic in the window, might be a trip tp town for a new window tomorrow
Wizards of Oz hit a cow, or the cow hit them, both are fine I think.  The boys used a winch to pull their bonnet flat and pull the lights out and will need to replace the lights when they get home but otherwise not too bad.

Rained all day and was very slippery, there doesn't look to be a shower at the Wyandra hall, and we are wet and muddy, well Brad is muddier than me after changing the flat tyre.  We brought a brand new tyre just before we left and that is the one that is flat, a well if the rain keeps up it might be a trip straight to Charliville tomorrow so plenty of time to get the tyre fixed

Due to the rain a lot of people slept in a shed at an old train station with empty barrels of beer around them.  They did not fancy rolling out their swags in the mud and rain.  A little local auction tonight to raise money for Cancer and also for Kids of the bush schooling.  Oh and tonight is the first for the trip where we are inside for dinner, there is a building YAHOOOOO.  We couldn't have the heaters on while they were cooking and serving dinner because there was not enough power.  They couldn't even use the fridge for the drinks but rather served them out of eskies with ice.  I love coming to these little towns where the locals go all out so that we have a great time

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